
nicole"navarro.just-2wenty-one.o4th april.aries.half-malaysian-chinese-half-filipino.turtles, rainbows, motorbikes, vanilla.14 piercings.inked.officially licensed to ride.my mood: The current mood of _coLez_ at www.imood.com

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    Layout by: vehemency

    Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 2:15 AM

    happy monthsary baby..!!!!

    lotsa love,



    Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 12:59 AM

    today i'm a happy girl..
    i finally got a day with my boy..
    and it was F-U-N..!! =D

    went to his place for the very first time today..
    and surprisingly the bus ride there was pretty fast..
    headed down to simlim square for lunch and to get me an external hardrive.. (LIKE FINALLY!!)
    so now i'm the proud owner of a 500gb external hdd..!!
    i still can't believe it, it's like an f-ing 500GB worth of space..!! 500..!!
    imagine i could like fit a year's worth of porn into that small box.. (not that i do, it's just an example.. -______-")
    MUAHAHAHAHAHHAA... not like SOMEONE'S measly 160gb.. =P hee

    saw someone from my past at sim lim..
    and til today he still scares the shit outta me..
    the feeling is just so weird..
    i have never been that scared of anybody before..
    thank god i had the bf right beside me.. =)

    back to my place to test out the hardrive, watch tv, looked at old photos, basically just slacking..
    then to sengkang cos he was meeting a bike seller..
    so now my baby's gonna be the owner of a phantom, again..!! (he used to own one before)
    and if you people remember, i have a phobia of phantoms because i got burnt by the exhaust of one before.. =S
    i also think that phantoms are uncle-bikes..
    which makes me the future-pillion of an uncle-bike.. =X lols...

    seeing how easily he got a bike makes me feel so itchy about getting my own..
    it's like just meet the seller, check the condition of the bike, test it out and if everything's fine and dandy an agreement is made, money is exhanged, arrangements for paperwork is done and viola, you are the proud owner of a bike..!!
    nevermind, my sp's coming soon.. =D

    okay, time to sleep now..
    back to work tomorrow after working 4 days straight and a 2 day break..
    goodnight.. =)


    i <3 you baby~* =)


    Sunday, January 27, 2008, 3:57 AM
    a mixture of feelings..

    i feel tired..
    i feel abit sad..
    i feel abit misunderstood..
    i feel abit disappointed..
    but yet i feel i have no right to feel that way..
    i feel i am being selfish..
    yet i feel i'm not being true to myself..

    if you really knew me, you'd know i wouldn't be able to sleep early/well after that..


    Thursday, January 24, 2008, 2:53 AM

    i am so bloody tired now..
    i slept around 6+am this morning and woke up at 11.30am to continue on cwri..
    to school round 3+ to hand it up and reached the esplanade round 4.30pm for work..
    time we finished work.. 1.30am..!!!! o.0
    and something which totally caught me off guard happened today and only melvina knows what it is..
    what a long longgggggggggggg day..

    i should be happy now that i'm on holiday now..
    but i'm way too beat to rejoice..
    =)'s booking out tomorrow.. but i'm working..
    thought i'd work tmr and save friday for him since he had his own stuff for tmr..
    ends up after i said i could work tmr, i find out he's more or less free tmr and his friday is filled with activities.. -_____________________________-"
    the irony..
    guess it's not fated..

    shall go to sleep now before i start spouting even more nonsense..



    Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 1:11 AM

    i am now reduced to doing my project-ing in the kitchen..
    why you ask..?

    cos it's way too hot here for me to feel comfortable enough to feel sleepy..
    so i'm sipping on milk tea, listening to 98.7fm and reading many-many-pages-long readings where the fonts are so small you just feel like tearing up the pages rather than reading them..
    and our budgie (the poorthing still doesn't have a name after so many years) is so restless and making so much noise..
    probably because i'm denying him sleep what with the kitchen lights and the sound of the radio and my typing away on the lappy..

    oh well, serves me right for always leaving my projects to the very last minute..
    oh hail nicole, queen procrastinator.. -_______________-"
    i swear next semester i'm gonna complete my projects one week before deadlines..
    no more last minute late nights for me..
    4 times this semester is more than enough for me.. o.0

    8 more questions to go..
    GO GO GO COLE..!!!! *self motivation*
    "baby love" is playing on the radio now..
    i wonder how's mine doing right now..
    the poorthing's damn busy with army stuff today..
    hope you get good rest tonight love.. =)

    off to fight the cwri-monster now..!!
    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *war cry*

    (warning: staring at a computer screen and endless reading for long hours makes people kuku)


    Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 10:09 PM

    before i continue on cwri again..
    let me spend a few minutes on this space..,

    i can't believe i'm on a whole month holiday after tomorrow..!!
    so many things to do..
    like packing up the stuff in my room in anticipation to moving and planning what new furniture i need..
    chinese new year clothes shopping..
    getting an external hardrive ASAP.. (i just realized my d:/ drive has less than a gb of free space and c:/ drive's left with 6+gb.. PATHETIC..!! o.0)
    get started on my driving so i can laugh at those idiots who made fun of me for not having a license cos i'll have BOTH 2b and class 3.. HAH..!!
    working more and earning those extra $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
    exercising cause SOMEBODY *cough-the bf-cough* thinks i'm fat.. (like wtf!?) -_____-"
    start sourcing for my future ride cause it's gonna be march-april soon..
    and i still want my blue-lites can..? (i know i've already been saying it for a year over)

    okay, time to get back to work..
    see ya folks..



    Monday, January 21, 2008, 1:53 PM

    When she walks away from you mad
    [ Follow her ]

    When she stare's at your mouth
    [ Kiss her ]

    When she pushes you or hit's you
    [ Grab her and dont let go ]

    When she start's cussing at you
    [ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]

    When she's quiet
    [ Ask her whats wrong ]

    When she ignore's you
    [ Give her your attention ]

    When she pull's away
    [ Pull her back ]

    When you see her at her worst
    [ Tell her she's beautiful ]

    When you see her start crying
    [Just hold her and dont say a word ]

    When you see her walking
    [ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]

    When she's scared
    [ Protect her ]

    When she lay's her head on your shoulder
    [ Tilt her head up and kiss her ]

    When she steal's your favorite hat
    [ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]

    When she tease's you
    [ Tease her back and make her laugh ]

    When she doesnt answer for a long time
    [ reassure her that everything is okay ]

    When she look's at you with doubt
    [ Back yourself up ]

    When she say's that she like's you
    [ she really does more than you could understand ]

    When she grab's at your hands
    [ Hold her's and play with her fingers ]

    When she bump's into you
    [ bump into her back and make her laugh ]

    When she tell's you a secret
    [ keep it safe and untold ]

    When she looks at you in your eyes
    [ dont look away until she does ]

    When she misses you
    [ she's hurting inside ]

    When you break her heart
    [ the pain never really goes away ]

    When she says its over
    [ she still wants you to be hers ]

    - Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything.

    - When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go

    - When she says she's ok dont believe it, talk with her

    - because 10 yrs later she'll remember you

    - Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her

    - Call her before you sleep and after you wake up

    - Treat her like she's all that matters to you.

    - Tease her and let her tease you back.

    - Stay up all night with her when she's sick.

    - Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid.

    - Give her the world.

    - Let her wear your clothes.

    - When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.

    - Let her know she's important.

    - Kiss her in the pouring rain.

    - When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;"Who's ass am I kicking babe?"

    if only guys were that nice right..? lols..


    1:29 PM

    the new semester's only starting on the 25th of february..
    which means after i pass up cwri assignment 3 this wendesday,




    Sunday, January 20, 2008, 8:32 PM

    things are happening so fast..

    one day we're signing the contract to rent the house in hougang, a house i never heard of before til the very day itself..
    and the next day (today) someone is already paying a deposit for our flat when people only started viewing our house today..

    i think i think too much.. but sometimes you really can't help it.. experience it once and the fear sticks to you..


    3:18 PM

    this is just weird..
    there are about a dozen people walking around in my house right now..
    and i'm like some exhibit..
    people walk into my room and looksy looksy here and there..
    and i'm like some mechanical maniquin (however you spell it) typing away on a laptop at my table..

    anyway folks, i'm moving to hougang ave 6..
    not as far/ulu as yishun or woodlands..
    and i'm getting the master bedroom with my own toilet..
    although the bike lots are like 50m away from our door..
    oh wells, you win some you lose some..


    Saturday, January 19, 2008, 1:59 PM

    i dreamt of an sp last night..
    though in my dream it wasn't mine..
    now even my subconscious is mocking me..


    2:20 AM

    my toes hurt and i'm dying to have a neck/back massage..
    finally got to work at the esplanade today after so so long..
    work was pretty fun albeit tiring, especially since my buddy buddies and the talk cock people were all around.. =D

    =)'s coming out from camp tomorrow..!! :D
    and i'll be seeing him for the next 3 days..
    we haven't really been contacting/sms-ing much lately cos i'm either working or there's army stuff to do..
    so these next few days will be good for us..
    so sorry for making you worry yesterday..
    i'm just as surprised as you are that i can get motion-sickness while watching a movie.. o.0
    and also about the added pressure..
    i really didn't mean to..
    i promise i'll be good from now on..
    =) heh..

    okay, i'll end here..
    lazy to deal with pictures right now..
    uploading them 5 at a time over and over again can be such a pain in the ass at times..
    shall go catch up on much needed sleep..



    Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 1:02 AM
    fucked up post..

    i was initially having a really good day..
    shopping and lunch with winnie in the afternoon..
    dinner and pictures with my whitley boys..
    then dad has to drop the bomb, once again..

    we fucking have to move to either yishun or woodlands which is so fucking fucking far/ulu from everything familiar to me..
    cos they fucking want to get a jumbo flat which can only be found at those 2 fucking areas..
    so that we can all, dad + his wife + his wife's mother, can all live together unit beside unit..
    either we fucking stay tgr on one side and her mother on the other..
    or i fucking have one side to myself and they take the other..
    which if i fucking have a choice I WANT TO STAY ALONE ON MY OWN SIDE..
    the thing i want least to happen, which is living tgr with them, might fucking actually come true..

    and to make matters worse..
    the wife's mother has to stay here during chinese new year while dad and his wife go up to KL..
    i know she's done nothing to me, but i HATE the idea of having an absolute stranger under the same roof as me and i have no interest in old people whom i assume converses in dialect..
    bloody out of my comfort zone..

    and i think my period is fucking back again when it has barely even been 2 weeks since the last cycle..
    so my hormones are fucking screwed..
    and it's making my mood worse by a gazillion notches..

    can things get any fucking worse..??


    Monday, January 14, 2008, 12:27 PM

    i skipped school today..!!
    which is something i really shouldn't be proud of..
    but hey, to someone like me who hasn't skipped a lesson in the first sem..
    and only skipped one other lesson the other week..
    the feeling is liberating..!! =X

    work later at the expo..
    thank god sera is working as well..
    if not i'll be a loner amongst all the vietnamese and sri lankans again.. o.0
    hello busy day ahead..!!


    Sunday, January 13, 2008, 8:17 PM

    i know i shouldn't be greedy.. but..
    these past few book outs, we really didn't have much time together..
    yesterday we met pretty late and i had to leave early..
    then today we met early but he needed to leave early.. o.0
    don't worry babe, i don't blame you.. =)
    it's just that..
    i can't help but feel..
    oh wells, next week you're all mine aights..? =P

    friday's meetup with the tb23 people was fun, Fun, FUN.. =D
    we ended up having turkish food somewhere at arab st..

    the peeps who made it..

    lijuan, melvina and szeling..

    clement and zhihong..

    anthea, gabriel, cole and hongjun.. =D

    the food..

    before parting..


    group photo.. =)

    i made it a point to take solo pictures with everyone before we left..
    so here's an influx of ME..

    after dinner program..

    so we all squeezed into gab's car.. (lijuan, clemmie and his gf left)

    hongjun is hiding behind mel..

    mr bai kar and our "scarce" (inside joke) driver..

    we dropped mel off at bugis..
    then we couldn't decide on what to do..
    so we went opposite paradiz to check out mind's cafe but it was closed for an event..
    then to clark quay to check out the mind's cafe there/any bars we could chill at..
    but it was way to crowded that there wasn't even any place to park..
    then we stopped the car at some bus stop for like 15-20mins to deliberate where to go..
    i decided to camwhore a wee bit during this period.. =P

    was attempting to take a picture of thea and gabby when wtf!, spidey decided to hijack my photo.. -________________-"

    after which we proceeded to fort canning to check out this bar with a live band which ended up being full as well..
    so what was our last resort..?
    cineleisure for movies..!!!!!!!
    only, we ended up not catching any movies..


    we ended up renting the wii for 2 hours..!! =D

    after this pic the security guard came up to us and said we weren't allowed to take photos there.. o.0
    if not i would definately have taken shots of our craziness while wii sports-ing.. =X
    the last 15 minutes of our 2 hours we changed to resident evil 4..
    and we were all screaming like mad when axe-wielding bad guys were hacking our hero..
    even the security guard got scared by us.. LOLS~*

    alrights, i still have photos from hongjun and melvina which i haven't gotten which i MIGHT update on this post later on..
    there's the photos from yesterday as well which i haven't uploaded..
    but i'm damn lazy now..
    so that's all for now folks.. =P



    3:08 AM

    things feel so distant now..
    from friends it's like as if we've become complete strangers..
    but i can't blame you..
    if faced with the same situation, i probably would have reacted the same way..
    i guess thats the consequences of the decisions we make in life..
    as much as we want to keep everyone happy, we just can't..
    in order to seek our own happiness, we forsake those of others..


    Thursday, January 10, 2008, 8:27 PM

    today's facial session was by far the most excruciating..
    though i only teared once, i was actually wincing..
    let me repeat that, WINCING in pain for some parts...
    entire thing lasted 2+hours..
    i tell you it's like going to hell and back for some torture session..
    okay, so maybe i exaggerate but you get my point..
    even piercings and, i bet, tattoos aren't that painful..
    now my face is red and sore all over..

    so i haven't been doing much the past few days..
    spent time with the <3 the on tuesday and wednesday..
    i know he comes out every 2 days..
    and i've been conditioned to be able to withstand til weekends..
    BUT STILL, it's not enough i tell ya.. o.0

    i'll be getting busy over the next few days..
    yes, life is finally gonna get more exciting than me just bumming at home..
    tomorrow's our tb23 gathering..
    dinner @ arab street for middle eastern..
    sat is dinner & shopping with =) and friends plus eileen's birthday celebration @ liquid kitchen..
    and sun is all for =) ..

    so there..
    a sum up of the next few days..
    damn, i'm boring.............


    Tuesday, January 08, 2008, 2:01 PM

    been super lazy to blog the past few days..
    worked on saturday from 1.30pm to about 4.30+am the next day..
    met up with the mina gang on sunday to celebrate khad and jing's belated birthday..
    school on monday morning, dropped by town to get some stuff and home sweet home..
    been like uber slack ever since i passed up my cwri assignment 2 on thursday..
    so i'll just let the pictures do the talking..

    -signing off

    event @ tanjong beach

    cole & sera..

    halfway through work we were damn tired so we hid in the toilet to slack and camwhore.. =X heh heh
    imagine we were wearing that and serving drinks for 8 bucks an hour..
    and we were the only 2 dressed like that..
    might as well have worked in a club and earned 10++++ bucks instead right..? o.0
    luckily the guests didn't mistake us for hired entertainment or tried anything funny..
    the client spent a hefty 20thousand dollars on the entire event..
    word has it is was his wife who requested for the 25th anniversary bash..
    don't you just envy these rich assess'..
    just a word and you get a hugh ass $20k party..

    clark quay with the mina gang
    we went to the manhattan fishmarket @ central for dinner..




    yours truely..

    our grub..

    after dinner we went to sit by the river bay..

    it's damn hard for joyceh to keep her eyes open when there's flash.. HAH~*

    the scenery..

    don't you just love the blue background..?

    i look like i'm glowing in this picture.. =X muahahahahhah~*

    the mina gang
    - mina cruez (khad), mina jumbu (jing), mina tinggi (cole) and mina gemok (joyce)..



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